Tampa Employee Spotlight: Migdalee


Each month, we’re proud to spotlight an excellent member of our team from each of our locations. This month in Tampa, we’re happy to shine the spotlight on Migdalee (Deena), one of our incredible massage therapists. 

When asked what inspired her to become a massage therapist, Migdalee expressed that she wants to “help people in pain.” Migdalee was drawn to Massage Studio Tampa because of her desire to help people become happier and healthier. Through therapeutic massage, she strives to make her guests feel better so that once they leave the studio refreshed, they can participate in any activities or normal routines without feeling pain or discomfort. 

As a massage therapist, Migdalee understands the positive effects for the mind, body, and spirit that a massage experience can give our guests. It’s the immediate relief her guests feel that makes Migdalee proud to be a massage therapist. 

When Migdalee is out of the studio, she explores new ways to tend to her own mind, body, and spirit. She usually finds herself spending time outside with some of her favorite activities like kayaking, boating, and the simple pleasure of swinging on a hammock under the sun. 

Massage Studio